Dienstag, 18. Januar 2011

"Anpassung vor dem bzw. ohne Feuer"


 Did prehistoric man eat raw meat (before fire)

Yes they ate raw meat, but the chances of getting food poisoning from a fresh kill are really low...
  • it's meat that's been contaminated by fecal matter that developes e coli, and improperly canned meat that causes botchelism.  
Fresh meat ripped straight from a prey animal is pretty clean (not counting parasites that may be in it's blood).
    During the war some doctor studied how long raw/cooked took to digest.
    • Raw meat (particulary uncooked animal fat) digests faster.

    Prehistoric man did indeed eat uncooked meat before fire was discovered, however!
    • his gut was more adept at handling infection than our gut is today. 
    • You see it works on natures principle that if you don't use it, you loose it! 
    What I mean by this is if you consume food that is contaminated with germs and viruses,
    • all though a lot of you will fall ill and even succumb with the illness, 
    a lot off your tribe would survive, and in surviving your immune system would improve and overcome those viruses in the future.

    But modern man I'm afraid has not got the stomach of a prehistoric man anymore, and he would succumb or become very ill by contaminated food very easily.

    Have a great day.


    Yes, but that's also one of the reasons that the average life expectancy was under 20 during that time.


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