One night, a husband and wife were sitting in their own cabin on a train heading across the country. It was a dark, stormy night, and the two had spent the last half hour in silence, the man looking out the window and the woman casually reading a novel. Suddenly the woman looked at the man with eyes that crackled with terror. "Stormcrow is coming," she whispered in a shaky voice. The man looked at her and she stared right back at him. "What did you say?" he asked. The woman said nothing and returned to reading. The man was shaken, but he was tired and quickly forgot anything had happened. He looked back out the window at the empty fields of grass that lazily passed by. Again, the woman quickly looked at him. "Stooormcroooooooow is coooomiiiiing," she repeated in a drawn out, eerie monotone. The man was scared. He looked at her closely, peering deep into her eyes. They were emotionless and unfocused, yet still staring right at him. The man reached over to her to touch her shoulder, but something caused him to pull away with fright! The woman screamed, "STORMCROW IS HERE!" A sudden flash of lightning drew the man's gaze out the window, where what he saw filled him with the most intense horror he had ever known. A giant manlike beast stood out in the otherwise empty field. It wore what looked like patches of dried skin, sewn together with thick, black wire. It's eyes glowed like dim candles, and it's grin was crooked and wide. The man ducked away from the window and grabbed his wife. She started convulsing, frothing at the mouth and scratching at the man's arms. He held her down and soon the woman was herself again. When the man was sure she was okay, he asked her, "What was that thing? What is Stormcrow?" "Stormcrow," the woman answered, confused. "What are you talking about? I've never heard of anything called

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