Rod Stewart

(...leider war kein mp3 im Netz zu finden, dafür dieses wunderbare Video mit der perfekten Synchronisation von Ton und Mundbewegung...und Rod Stewart zeichnet sich auch nicht als hervorragender Tänzer aus, aber er drückt das aus, was ich jeden Tag denke ;-)
Some guys have all the luck
Some guys have all the pain
Some guys get all the breaks
Some guys do nothing but complain
Alone in a crowd on a bus after work and I'm dreaming
The guy next to me has a girl in his arms
My arms are empty
How does it feel
When the girl next to you says she loves you
Feels so unfair
When there's love everywhere
And there's none for me
Some guys have all the luck
Some guys have all the pain
Some guys get all the breaks
Some guys do nothing but complain
Someone to take
On a walk by the lake
Lord, let it be me
Someone who's shy
Someone who'd cry at sad movies
I know I would die if I ever found you
You was fooling me
You're just a dream
And as real as it seems
I ain't that lucky
Some guys have all the luck
Some guys have all the pain
Some guys get all the breaks
Some guys do nothing but complain
All of my friends have a ring on their finger
They're someone
Someone to care for them
It ain't fair
I've got no one
The car overheated
I called up and pleaded
There's help on the way
I called you collect
You did not accept
You had nothing to say
Some guys have all the luck
Some guys have all the pain
Some guys get all the breaks
Some guys do nothing but complain
But if you were here with me
I'd feel so happy I could cry
You are so dear to me
I just can't let you say goodbye
The guy next to me has a girl in his arms - my arms are empty ;-)

(...leider war kein mp3 im Netz zu finden, dafür dieses wunderbare Video mit der perfekten Synchronisation von Ton und Mundbewegung...und Rod Stewart zeichnet sich auch nicht als hervorragender Tänzer aus, aber er drückt das aus, was ich jeden Tag denke ;-)
Some guys have all the luck
Some guys have all the pain
Some guys get all the breaks
Some guys do nothing but complain
Alone in a crowd on a bus after work and I'm dreaming
The guy next to me has a girl in his arms
My arms are empty
How does it feel
When the girl next to you says she loves you
Feels so unfair
When there's love everywhere
And there's none for me
Some guys have all the luck
Some guys have all the pain
Some guys get all the breaks
Some guys do nothing but complain
Someone to take
On a walk by the lake
Lord, let it be me
Someone who's shy
Someone who'd cry at sad movies
I know I would die if I ever found you
You was fooling me
You're just a dream
And as real as it seems
I ain't that lucky
Some guys have all the luck
Some guys have all the pain
Some guys get all the breaks
Some guys do nothing but complain
All of my friends have a ring on their finger
They're someone
Someone to care for them
It ain't fair
I've got no one
The car overheated
I called up and pleaded
There's help on the way
I called you collect
You did not accept
You had nothing to say
Some guys have all the luck
Some guys have all the pain
Some guys get all the breaks
Some guys do nothing but complain
But if you were here with me
I'd feel so happy I could cry
You are so dear to me
I just can't let you say goodbye
The guy next to me has a girl in his arms - my arms are empty ;-)
...das erste mal habe ich Rod Stewart auf einem Foto gesehen in Jakarta in einem Friseurladen... unsere Mutter hatte nach so vielen Jahren die Einsicht gewonnen, dass sie mir und meinem Bruder nicht die Haare schneiden kann...als gelernte Hebamme, Krankenschwester und exzellente und weitsichtige Naturheilpraktikerin kann sie alles, wirklich alles, nur keine Haare war also eine Wohltat sich in die professionellen Hände eines orientalischen Friseurs zu begeben...und die habens wirklich drauf...hier in Deutschland können nur wenige deutsche Friseure mit Naturlocken umgehen...die meisten kommen halt aus dem nahen, mittleren und fernen ja, wie ich so als 12jähriger ruhig auf dem Friseurstuhl saß und die Künste des Friseurmeisters genoss, schaute ich auf das Bild von Rod Stewart das an der kargen Wand hang und dachte nur: der hat aber eine komische Frisur...aber mir gefiel von Anfang an sein sympathischer und warmherziger Blick...
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