Donnerstag, 31. Dezember 2009

Working to reform marijuana laws

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The authors concluded:

“The harms, risks and social costs of alcohol, cannabis and tobacco vary greatly.
  • A lot has to do with how the substances are handled legally.
  • Alcohol and tobacco are legal substances, which explains their low enforcement costs relative to cannabis.
  • On the other hand, the health costs per user of tobacco and alcohol are much higher than for cannabis.

This may indicate that cannabis use involves fewer health risks than alcohol or tobacco.

“These variations in risk, harms and cost need to be taken into account as we think about further efforts to deal with the use of these three substances. … Efforts to reduce social costs related to cannabis, for example, will likely involve shifting its legal status by decriminalizing casual use, to reduce the high enforcement costs.

  • Such a shift may be warranted given the apparent lower health risk associated with most cannabis use.”

According to a recent Rasmussen national poll of 1,000 likely voters, Americans believe by more than two to one that alcohol is “more dangerous” than marijuana.


Fazit: ... "by more than two to one" => schon mal ein guter Anfang: Erkenntnis ist der erste Weg zur Besserung !

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