Donnerstag, 6. Januar 2011

Free your mind 


your ass will follow


lead guitar: Eddie Hazel

rhythm guitar: Tawl Ross

keyboards: Bernie Worrell

drums: Tiki Fulwood

bass: Billy Nelson

lead vocals:  

George Clinton, Ray Davis


{G Clinton, Eddie Hazel, Ray Davis}



 Free your mind and your ass will follow
The Kingdom of Heaven is within

Free your mind and your ass will follow
The Kingdom of Heaven is within

 Free your mind and your ass will follow
The Kingdom of Heaven is within

Open up your funky mind and you can fly ;-)

Free your mind 

and your ass will follow

The Kingdom of Heaven is within



Free your mind and your ass will follow
The Kingdom of Heaven is within

Free your mind and your ass will follow
The Kingdom of Heaven is within

Free your mind and your ass will follow
The Kingdom of Heaven is within

Free your mind and your ass will follow

The Kingdom of Heaven is within



Free your mind - your ass will follow

The Kingdom of Heaven is within



Free your mind and your ass will follow

your ass will follow

I have never, never never
never in my life, 

have this given to me

Free your mind and your ass will follow

free your mind 

men like you born

men like you

You are as free as you want to be 

your ass will follow


Well, I discovered that this life 
that was given to me,
it is not really mine

If it were mine, 
I could have fun all of the time

I wanna a way out now


Give it up

Give it up
Give it up 

and give it to me, baby

I'm calling love
love from my heart

Free your mind and your ass will follow


I told you

[Jam Session]

... get it on ... 

[Jam Session]

The Kingdom of Heaven is within
The Kingdom of Heaven is within
The Kingdom of Heaven is within
The Kingdom of Heaven is within
The Kingdom of Heaven is within
The Kingdom of Heaven is within
The Kingdom of Heaven is within
 are you satisfied ?

The Kingdom of Heaven is within

 are you satisfied ?

The Kingdom of Heaven is within

are you satisfied ?

The Kingdom of Heaven is within

are you satisfied ?

I wanna know

I really care

The Kingdom of Heaven is within
The Kingdom of Heaven is within
The Kingdom of Heaven is within
The Kingdom of Heaven is within

I'm so confused

I'm so confused about it all,

I'm so confused about the whole thing,

  I don't understand,

  I don't understand nothing,

  I don't know what I feel,

  I can't feel me, 

I can't live me, 

I can't be me,

my mind, 

it does not belong to me,

I'm so confused,

I can't hear myself,

I can't hear myself calling for help,

  I can't free my mind,

you have still me,

so my ass can't follow,

Someone help me,

I got to get help,


here's my arm,

help me escape,

I don't want to,

I don't want to,

  I can't free my mind,

no, no, no,

they won't free me,

  I can't run,

  I can't get out,

  I can't free my mind,

  I can't free my mind,

I'm so mixed up,

so mixed up,

what time is it ?

what time is it ?

  I can't hear me

 feel the direction

we're gonna do it, Lord

do it

I can't,

nothing yet ?

Free your mind and your ass will follow

The Kingdom of Heaven is within


* * * 
Always remember & never forget (it) ;-)

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