Common neck conditions and
the nerve level that controls them
the nerve level that controls them
A spinal nerve chart can be a valuable tool in understanding where your neck pain, headaches and other symptoms can be coming from.
Pressure on the C1 nerve root, for example, may cause
- insomnia
If it’s the C2 nerve, then
- sinus problems,
- allergies
- earaches
If it’s the third cervical nerve, then
- neuralgia
may be your problem.
C4 can cause
- hearing problems
- common colds.
- sore throat,
- laryngitis
- hoarseness.
C6 is associated with
- neck pain
- arm pain
as well as
C7 which may cause symptoms such as
- lingling
- bursitis.
Again, this is a very short and condensed list, but you get the idea.
- Higher up in the spine is often more powerful because it’s closer to the brain where many nervous system impulses are present every second.
The lower neck tends to supply more of the arms, shoulders, and hand functions and therefore symptoms.
- Keeping the lower neck in healthy position often eliminates neck and shoulder pain as well as symptoms into the arms.
Bild: Nackenmuskulatur von hinten; die oberflächlichen Halsmuskeln sind entfernt.
1-4 Die Nackenmuskulatur wird im Text beschrieben.
- a, Hinterhauptsbein (Os occipitale)
- b, M. semispinalis capitis
- c, Warzenfortsatz (Processus mastoideus)
- d, M. longissimus capitis
- e, 1. Rippe
- f, M. semispinalis cervicis
- g, Dornfortsatz des 2. Halswirbels (Processus spinosus axis)
Gewichtsabnahme oder Bodyshaping
Zuordnung der Wirbel zu Organischen Beschwerden
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